our 2014 Membership info
web page
Missouri-Arkansas Classic Chevy Club or Mo-ArkCCC @ P.O. Box 343 Reeds Spring, Missouri 65737-0343
Branson West, Missouri 65737-0343
2014 Membership Info
LQQK at the Membership Regions below
for the city or County that are a part of our membership area.
If you reside within our membership
area, we welcome you to concider joining our club
and also enjoy the information we provide within this website. As a club we are dedicated
to the hobby of preservation, collecting, restoration, showing, and maintenance of all Chevrolet cars for years
1955 thru 1972. Those goals also result in many friendships, good family fellowship, cruising, social gatherings, cruise-ins, special events and common hobby interests.
have to own a Classic Chevrolet Car to be a member of our club.
Membership regions in
SW Missouri Stone County, Taney County
& adjoining areas South of Hwy 248/160E, North of the Mo./Ark.
State Line, West of Hwy 76N/65S and East of Hwy 39 including the cities within, passes thru or
nearby such as in
Stone County
communities of Baxter, Blue Eye, Branson
West, Cape Fair, Carr Lane, Clever, Crane, Galena, Indian Point, Kimberling City, Notch, Reeds Spring, Reeds Spring Junction, Shell Knob, Spokane,Stonebridge,
Viola and many other small communities not listed or rural
In Taney
County communities of Branson, Branson Hills, Bull Creek, Forsyth, Hollister, Kirbyville,
Milred, Ozark Beach, Powersite, Ridgedale, Rockaway Beach & Walnut Shade or rural areas.
We also WELCOME Classic full size Chevrolet Owners residing
NORTH of Hwy 62 in upper NW Arkansas in Boone (Harrison)
between Carroll (Eureka Springs) Counties to participate in Club activities.
The club was originally formed
in 1998 to serve members having a 1958-1970 Full Size Chevrolet or have an interest in classic vehicles. Over the years we have expanded to include 1955-1957
plus 1971 & 1972 Full Size Chevy's.
A portion of our name comes from the fact most
of our membership reside within the
four counties listed above along the Missouri & Arkansas State Line.
- If you have an interest to join, check our "HOME"
& "Club Activities " website sections for cities, local area, or other distant
areas regarding club activities, meetings, membership, etc. If you want more information please contact us.
Please send a self addresssed envelope with a proper USPS stamp affixed & a short note plus
a few pictures of your Classic Vehicle and we will forward a membership
application or other necessary info to you as soon as possible. We will return all pictures.
We have
discontinued using a webmail membership application
form as of Feb. 2013.
We ask
you to send us a brief note to our P.O. Box or an Email with following info:
Full Name (incl.
Spouse) & Address incl City, State & ZIP code
Home phone or cell number & Email address if any
Year of car -
Model - Mfgr - Colors exterior &
Engine - Transmission
- special features - history of car as known
include if you would like a picture
or two which we will return
Please allow
( 30 to 45 days in Dec 2013 thru Feb 2014 ) to respond
that apply to become members
Our Email
address is listed below if you need assistance
or have an inquirey